Mare profumo di mare...
Adoro il mare in qualsiasi periodo dell'anno: l'odore, il rumore delle onde che si infrangono: una melodia per le mie orecchie!! Il weekend scorso la giornata era ventosa e la mia gonna lunga svolazzava tutta eheheh...
Look che cammuffa anche qualche chiletto in più, grazie alla gonna ampia. La cinta in vita? Semaforo verde se avete un bel punto vita (lo esalta), altrimenti la eviterei puntando più su accessori vistosi come una maxi collana o degli orecchini ;) Aspetto i vostri commenti :)))
Che un'altra giornata abbia inizio!!
Baci, Vivy :*
The sea's smell ...
I love the sea at any time of year: the smell, the sound of crashing waves: a melody to my ears! Last weekend the weather was windy and my long skirt fluttered across eheheh ..
Look that camouflages also a few extra pounds, thanks to the full skirt. The waist belt? Green light if you have a nice waist (it exaltes it), otherwise I would avoid focusing more on a maxi necklace or important earrings ;) Waiting for your opinions :)))
That another day begin!
Kisses, Vivy: *
I love the sea at any time of year: the smell, the sound of crashing waves: a melody to my ears! Last weekend the weather was windy and my long skirt fluttered across eheheh ..
Look that camouflages also a few extra pounds, thanks to the full skirt. The waist belt? Green light if you have a nice waist (it exaltes it), otherwise I would avoid focusing more on a maxi necklace or important earrings ;) Waiting for your opinions :)))
That another day begin!
Kisses, Vivy: *
Cardigan: H&M
Scarpe: ANIYE BY
Cinta: MANGO
Borsa: PRADA vintage
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